04. Descriptor Extraction & Matching

Descriptor Extraction & Matching

ND313 C03 L04 A08 C44 Intro

Descriptor Code Walkthrough

ND313 C03 L04 A09 C44 Intro Pt 2


Your fourth task is to implement a variety of keypoint descriptors to the already implemented BRISK method and make them selectable using the string 'descriptorType'. The methods you must integrate are BRIEF, ORB, FREAK, AKAZE and SIFT.


Your fifth task will focus on the matching part. The current implementation uses Brute Force matching combined with Nearest-Neighbor selection. You must now add FLANN as an alternative to brute-force as well as the K-Nearest-Neighbor approach.


As your sixth task, you will then implement the descriptor distance ratio test as a filtering method to remove bad keypoint matches.